Business Resilience and Digital Transformation Survey

1.Where are you in your digital transformation journey?
2.Is actioning a business resiliency strategy a priority for your organization?
3.Which of the following most closely describes your organization’s approach to enterprise resilience:?
4.Where does your organization rank when it comes to enterprise resilience?
5.Would you say your digital transformation & enterprise resilience efforts are aligned?
6.When it comes to fortifying business resilience, what are your organization’s top 3 objectives or areas of focus?(Required.)
7.In your opinion, what are the top 2 inhibitors of enterprise resilience?(Required.)
8.Do you expect your organization’s senior leadership team to increase enterprise resilience budgets over the next year:
9.Are you currently working with any of the vendors? (please select all that apply)
10.Are you considering working with any of the vendors in the future? (please select all that apply)
Current Progress,
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