FCNN Symposium, October 12, 2023--Evaluation   "Driving and Aging"

1.To what extent was this objective met?  Identify changes that accompany aging which may affect driving behaviors.
2.To what extent was this objective met?  Use cognitive screening tools that identify drivers at risk of unsafe driving.(Required.)
3.To what extent was this objective met?  Describe actions that can be shared to increase safety while driving.
4.To what extent was this objective met? Locate resources that can assist others to make decisions and take actions related to driving safety.
5.To what extent was this objective met?  Outline what happens when a driver is "turned in" to the Department of Vehicular Services.
6.To what extent was this objective met?  Discuss emotional and spiritual care interventions to help persons who lose their ability to drive.
7.Please rate the effectiveness of our speaker, Joan Somes
8.Please enter any comments or suggestions about today's symposium.
9.Would you be interested in participating in an informal multi-day contemplative retreat (not educational focused) with opportunities for fellowship at the retreat center, Charlson Meadows in St. Bonifacius, MN on February 27-28, 2024?
10.Would you be interested in participating in a one-day retreat (February 28, 2024) contemplative retreat (not educational focused) with opportunities for fellowship at Charlson Meadows, St. Bonifacius, MN?
11.How interested would you be in a quarterly, virtual gathering (No CEUs) to discuss an article about Faith Community Nursing related to research, practice challenges, updates, etc. and share FCN experiences?
12.Please enter your email address so we can send you your CE certificate!