Screen Reader Mode Icon Check SCREEN READER MODE to make this survey compatible with screen readers. Diesel Training In-Person Training Class Survey Question Title * 1. This survey is anonymous and trainers will not see who completed the survey. Please be honest so we can make sure to keep Diesel Training as high quality as possible. Thank you! Acknowledge and continue to survey OK Question Title * 2. Which class did you attend? Aftertreatment and Emissions Systems HVAC Introduction and diagnostics Hydraulics Fundamentals Hydraulics Diagnostics Electrical Diagnostics 1 Electrical Diagnostics 2 Datalink J1939/J1708 Troubleshooting TEXA IDC5 Training Oscilloscope Diagnostics 101 Cojali Jaltest Training Cummins Diesel Aftertreatment Emissions Systems Virtual Class Diagnostics 101 Electrical Testing Techniques ABS Diagnostics and troubleshooting OK Question Title * 3. Who was your instructor? Mark Lipinski Michael Carrier Scott Meek Juan Penedo Michael Eilbracht Andrew Ostman OK Question Title * 4. What day did you attend the class? Date Date OK Question Title * 5. Which location did you attend the class? Columbia, SC Dallas, TX On-Site Customer Field Training Chicago, IL OK Question Title * 6. My instructor: Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree The instructor communicated effectively. The instructor communicated effectively. Strongly Agree The instructor communicated effectively. Agree The instructor communicated effectively. Disagree The instructor communicated effectively. Strongly Disagree The instructor clarified any issues that I presented. The instructor clarified any issues that I presented. Strongly Agree The instructor clarified any issues that I presented. Agree The instructor clarified any issues that I presented. Disagree The instructor clarified any issues that I presented. Strongly Disagree The instructor started class on time. The instructor started class on time. Strongly Agree The instructor started class on time. Agree The instructor started class on time. Disagree The instructor started class on time. Strongly Disagree The instructor covered material relevant to the class topic. The instructor covered material relevant to the class topic. Strongly Agree The instructor covered material relevant to the class topic. Agree The instructor covered material relevant to the class topic. Disagree The instructor covered material relevant to the class topic. Strongly Disagree OK Question Title * 7. Did the trainer encourage everyone to ask questions during the training? Yes No OK Question Title * 8. Would you recommend Diesel Training classes to others in your industry? Definitely Probably Not sure Not likely Not at all OK Question Title * 9. Is there anything else you’d like to share about your experience with Diesel Training? Any other courses you would like to see offered? OK Question Title * 10. Overall how was your visit to Diesel Training? Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied OK Question Title * 11. If you have purchased OR use a Diesel Laptops diagnostic kit, tablet, or handheld, please rate you're overall satisfaction with you're purchase. Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Disatisfied Highly dissatisfied OK Question Title * 12. In an effort to continuously improve the customer experiance, please select any areas below that you feel Diesel laptops could use improvement. Diagnostic kits and hardware Tech support Sales Financing options Diesel Repair/Equipment fault codes software Training Diesel Laptops does not need to change anything. They are great in all areas. OK Question Title * 13. If you selected any areas that you feel need improvement, please tell us why you feel that specific area needs improvement in the comment box below. OK DONE