
Listing and annotation: Sodium carbonate

Use: As a natural non-agricultural product allowed as an ingredient/processing aid in or on processed products labeled as "organic" or "made with (specified organic ingredients/food groups)".

Common applications: Soda Ash. Small odorless crystals or powder that occur in nature in ores and in lake brines or seawater. Absorbs water from air. Used as a neutralizer for butter, cream, fluid milk and ice cream; in the processing of olives before canning; and in cocoa products. Used in cocoa products and canned peas as an optional ingredient in standardized foods.

Reference: 7 CFR 205.605(a)

Date listed: 2002

Sunset Date:
Current - 6/27/2017
Next - 2022
New Review Date - 2019 (review in 2017)