Marathon County Solid Waste Department-Household Hazardous Waste Program Survey
The Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Program is a service of the Marathon County Solid Waste Department and is paid for by earnings from landfill disposal. The budget for this service is $135,000, but is offered to Marathon County residents without cost.
Please select one of the following.
I am a frequent user of the HHW Program
I use the HHW Program once or twice a year
I have used the HHW Program once in the past 3-5 years
I have used the HHW Program, but it has been longer than 5 years ago
I have no need to use the HHW Program. I use up all of my household chemicals, cleaners and poisons.
I have never used the HHW Program (please skip to Question 4)
Other (please specify)
If you have used the HHW Program, what did you like about it (check all that apply)? Skip question 3 if you answered this question.
No-cost service (free) for Marathon County residents
Year round service
Easy to follow directions to the site
Helpful staff
I could also bring along other items for regular disposal or recycling
I am able to protect my family and the environment from the dangers of chemicals, poisons, and toxic compounds with proper disposal
The Choose to Reuse shelves
Quick and easy service
Other (please specify)
If you have used the HHW Program, what did you like about it (check all that apply)? Skip Question 3 if you answered this question.
No-cost service (free) for Marathon County residents
Year round service
Easy to follow directions to the site
Helpful staff
I could also bring along other items for regular disposal or recycling
I am able to protect my family and the environment from the dangers of chemicals, poisons and toxic compounds with proper disposal
The Choose to Reuse shelves
Quick and easy service
The reason I have never used the Program is (check all that apply):
Didn't know the HHW Program existed
Too far to drive
I just put these items in the trash
I thought I had to pay for the service
Hours of operation are not convenient
I don't have the time
It's just not a priority for me
Other (please specify)
If there were to be a fee for the Program, how much would you be willing to pay?
Up to $5 per visit
Up to $10 per visit
Up to $20 per visit
A per pound fee of $1/pound
I won't pay a fee for the program...I will just put the items in the trash.
Other (please specify)
What kinds of household hazardous waste have your brought or do you think you would be likely to bring to the HHW Program?
Oil-based paints or stains
Garden/lawn chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc.)
Solvents and cleaners
Photo chemicals
Mercury-containing devices
Driveway or roof sealers
Corrosive liquids (strong acids or strong bases)
Old gasoline
DDT or similar banned chemicals
Not applicable
Other (please specify)
Overall, if you have used the Solid Waste Department Household Hazardous Waste Program, how would you rate the service?
1 star
2 stars
3 stars
4 stars
5 stars
What is your age?
18 to 24
25 to 34
35 to 44
45 to 54
55 to 64
65 to 74
75 or older
What is your total household income?
Less than $20,000
$20,000 to $34,999
$35,000 to $49,999
$50,000 to $74,999
$75,000 to $99,999
$100,000 to $149,999
$150,000 or More
In what Marathon County municipality do you live?