NYC Bird Alliance is updating its strategic plan to more effectively protect birds and their habitats in the years ahead. To help guide this process, we welcome all stakeholders' confidential feedback on our mission, vision, and values through this anonymous survey.

The survey should take approximately three minutes to complete. Only NYC Bird Alliance staff and select volunteers will work with your responses.

Please submit your responses by March 28, 2025. If you would like to send additional comments or feedback, please email

* indicates required question

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* 1. How are you involved with NYC Bird Alliance? Select all that apply.

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* 2. How long have you been involved with NYC Bird Alliance?

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* 3. How did you first learn about NYC Bird Alliance?

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* 4. What initially drew you to NYC Bird Alliance’s work? Select all that apply.

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* 5. What do you think NYC Bird Alliance does exceptionally well, compared to peer organizations? What makes our work unique compared to other environmental conservation organizations or Audubon chapters?

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* 6. Think ahead to the future. If NYC Bird Alliance achieved its greatest potential, what would be different about New York City and the surrounding region in five years?

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* 7. What three words would you use to describe NYC Bird Alliance?

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* 8. Below are some of the ways in which NYC Bird Alliance furthers its mission. Put them in order of importance for you, with 1 being most important.

  1. Engaging communities not traditionally welcomed into birding (e.g., NYCHA in Nature program, publishing Spanish-English field guide, leading bird outings in multiple languages, providing outings that consider physical accessibility)
  2. Advocating for bird-friendly buildings (e.g., policy work on bird-safe glass and Lights Out laws)
  3. Leading green infrastructure conservation initiatives (green roofs, parks, etc) to improve biodiversity and mitigate effects of climate change
  4. Partnering with government agencies on bird-friendly policies (e.g., providing input to NYC Parks, National Parks Service, Dept. of Environmental Conservation, etc.)
  5. Enhancing urban biodiversity (e.g., nest box installations, native plant garden plantings, and other green infrastructure and habitat restoration/creation projects)
  6. Celebrating the magic and wonder of birds (e.g., social media, educational info about birds on our website, providing resources for birders)
  7. Planning guided bird outings (e.g., 100s of outings in the City’s five boroughs each year)
  8. Protecting the Waterbirds of New York Harbor (e.g., monitoring colonial wading birds; monitoring migratory shorebirds, etc.)
  9. Working to ensure a climate-resilient city (e.g., green infrastructure projects)
  10. Providing community science volunteer opportunities (e.g., Project Safe Flight collision monitoring, Christmas Bird Count, Horseshoe Crab monitoring)
  11. Enlisting grassroots support for policies and laws (e.g., rallies, petitions, postcard/phone campaigns)
  12. Providing research and data on NYC’s bird populations (e.g., monitoring migration patterns, urban habitat studies)
  13. Protecting specific at-risk bird populations (e.g., American Oystercatcher predation studies, Harbor Herons surveys)
  14. Coordinating public education and engagement efforts (e.g., lectures, public programs, wildlife festivals)
  15. Consulting on habitat restoration and stewardship projects (e.g., wildlife habitat improvements in parks and open spaces around the city; native plant initiatives)

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* 9. Below is a list of values and approaches that NYC Bird Alliance staff and board identified as central to our work. Please select the three that feel most important to you as a constituent of the organization.

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* 10. Are there any values missing that you feel should be part of NYC Bird Alliance’s core identity?

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* 11. Is there anything else you’d like to share with NYC Bird Alliance about either our strategic direction or more broadly about the organization?

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* 12. If you’d like someone from NYC Bird Alliance to contact you about these survey responses, please enter your email address.