Thank you for reporting a case of interest. Please note that the detailed  information recorded here will not be shared. We will provide summary information of interest in due course. Please complete as much information as you are able. If you agree we may come back to you for further information.

Question Title

* 1. Submitter contact information (this information is strictly confidential -- the League will only contact you if you give permission)

Case detail

Question Title

* 2. Reason for report (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 3. Age

Question Title

* 4. Sex

Question Title

* 5. Pre-existent diagnosis of epilepsy

Question Title

* 6. Epilepsy diagnosis

Question Title

* 7. Pre-existent diagnosis of neurological disease

Question Title

* 8. Diagnosis

Question Title

* 9. COVID-19 status: Select one

Question Title

* 10. COVID-19 disease status: Check all that apply

Question Title

* 11. COVID-19 severity

Question Title

* 12. Treatment - Please list

Question Title

* 13. Investigation

  Abnormal Normal N/A
Inflammatory markers

Question Title

* 14. Outcome from COVID-19 at discharge

  Yes No
Recovery no sequelae
Recovery, neurological sequelae
If pre-existent epilepsy, back to baseline

Question Title

* 15. Would you be willing to be contacted for further information for research purposes?