COVID-19 SME Business Support Webinar 2

Webinar Survey - Blacktown City Council Business Success Program

Please assist us by filling in this quick survey.  Your event feedback is important to us as it helps us to understand your needs better and assists us to keep improving.
1.Your name (optional)
2.Business/Organisation name (optional)
3.Phone no. (optional)
4.Email address (optional)
5.Your role
6.Business/organisation description
7.Organisation size
8.What are your top three insights or learnings from this webinar?
9.How would you rate today's workshop?
Dissatisfied 1
Satisfied 10
Content - organised and relevant
Trainer knowledge and delivery style
Overall value to you and your business resilience
10.Comments/feedback on workshop:
11.Is it OK for us to use your comments for marketing purposes?
12.What training topics would specifically help you and your business over the next 30 days?
13.Are you now more likely to consider CGU Insurance when reviewing your insurances in the future?
14.Would you like more information on business services and resources from Rapport Leadership?
The Business Success Program is an initiative of Blacktown City Council in partnership with Rapport Leadership International, proudly sponsored by CGU insurance.

Should you have any questions about this survey, contact Blacktown Council Economic Development Department on 9839 5914.

Thank you for your support and we hope that you will be joining us again soon!