Contact Information

NOVA Refs has been awarded the contract with Arlington Parks and Recreation for Arlington youth flag football officiating services.  Our goal is to reach out to previous flag football officials to gauge their interest in working for NOVA Refs.  Training would be held over the summer both in the classroom and on the field.  Rate of pay would be $14-$22 per game.  Games are typically are held on Saturdays and Sundays beginning in early September and ending in mid November.

Please answer the questions below to let us know if you are interested in officiating this Fall.  

Question Title

* 1. Please provide all the information listed below.

Question Title

* 4. How many seasons have you officiated youth flag football?

Question Title

* 5. Feel free to add any additional information regarding officiating youth flag football.


For those individuals who are interested in officiating youth flag football, we will be in contact with you shortly.  There will be required training sessions held over the summer.  Games will begin in September.  There will be games held on Saturdays and Sundays, two officials will be assigned per game.  Rate of pay would be $14-$22 per hour/game and the plan is to be paid monthly.