Overview and your details

Te Kaunihera Rata o Aotearoa | the Medical Council of New Zealand (the Council) is considering making changes to the advanced life support (ACLS) requirement for interns in the Provisional General scope of practice (postgraduate year 1, or PGY1) interns.

Currently, PGY1 interns must hold a current ACLS certification at the New Zealand Resuscitation Council (NZRC) CORE Advanced level, less than 12 months old, to progress to PGY2 and obtain General scope registration.

In response to feedback we have received from prevocational training providers (the districts of Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand), we are revisiting this requirement and have developed three options for consultation. We welcome your feedback to inform our decision-making.

You can read the consultation proposal, and explanatory notes and rationales, on our website.

Question Title

* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. What is your role?

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* 3. Are you responding on behalf of your organisation?

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* 4. If yes, what is that organisation?

Question Title

* 5. We publish submissions at our discretion on our website. Published submissions will include the names of the individuals and/or the organisations that made the submission unless confidentiality is requested.

Please advise us if you do not want all or part of your submission published.