Share your thoughts

Changing Minds is a whānau first and foremost. We believe in upholding, protecting and nurturing the mana and potential of all Tāngata Mātau ā-wheako – people with personal experience of mental health and/or addiction challenges – right across Aotearoa.

We would love your thoughts on a few questions that will help inform our mahi. And, if you would like to keep informed on any updates to these collected responses please sign up to receive our Changing Minds newsletter.
1.Did you find what you were looking for on our site to support you, your whānau, or community?(Required.)
2.We'd love to know more. Can you tell us what you found that was useful? Or if you couldn’t find what you were looking for, please let us know and we can do our best to add it to our site?(Required.)
3.Please tell us which of our resources or other content supported you (or others), so we can provide more relevant information on our website. Tick as many as apply.(Required.)
Thank you for sharing with us.

We will now ask you some demographic questions. The purpose of this section is for us to know a bit more about our wider whānau coming to our site, so we can better support you. These questions are optional, but every response helps our mission.
4.My age is:
5.The region I live in is:
6.The gender I identify with is:
7.Do you identify as being rainbow, LGBTQI+ or takatāpui?
8.The ethnic group(s) I identify with are (you can choose more than one):
As mentioned at the start of our survey, if you would like to keep informed on any updates to these collected responses, please sign up to receive our Changing Minds newsletter.

Thank you once again for sharing your thoughts with us.
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered