Community Satisfaction Survey

1.Do you feel your dues provide value to our neighborhood?
2.How well do you think the current board is handling issues in the valley?
3.Do you feel the current board is focused and organized in its mission?
4.Is their mission clear and concise?
5.What is their mission?
6.If you have sent an email to any department have you received a response?
7.Are you aware of a repair or maintenance issue that has been overlooked?
8.Do you use any of the amenities funded by the current special assessment that is set to expire in June 2023? (Currently we pay Approximately $12/mo special assessment in our dues and is allocated as follows: $4 is earmarked for our parks which cannot be recouped through usage fees. $5 goes toward the Community Center operations, including recreation center employee positions. $2 goes toward the pools. $1 Misc.)
9.Which amenities do you use?
10.Would you be willing to pay an additional fee to use these amenities on top of your monthly dues payment? (Pay per use) As noted in #7 above: We currently pay approximately $12 a month in our dues for these amenities and that expires in June 2023. (Example: Not pay the $12 but pay for each use)
11.How would you rate Sudden Valley roads?
12.Do you think SV should have bought the Sunmark property for 1.5 Million?
13.Do you think the SV Membership should have been consulted and been allowed to vote on the Sunmark property purchase for 1.5 Million?
14.Do you think SV should have removed the Community Cupboard? (This was where people in need came to get groceries and was shut down by the board this year)
15.Overall Comments: (Please feel free to comment)