Survey Context

Coexisting with Wildlife in the Beaver Hills Biosphere
Many organizations work hard to keep habitat in the Beaver Hills Biosphere connected and available for wildlife and people, while ensuring working lands remain economically viable and intact. The Beaver Hills Biosphere is coordinating the Human-Wildlife Coexistence Initiative and wants to incorporate community and stakeholder perspectives and insight into a strategy to share and manage a working landscape that sustains all wildlife including carnivores, ungulates and people.
Over the past year, we have been working to get a better understanding of community values, issues and priorities from people who live, work and recreate in the Beaver Hills as they relate to wildlife. During these conversations, we asked participants how they experience wildlife in the area and how the Biosphere can make these interactions better. We have compiled all the input that we received and identified a number of specific issues raised by participants.
In this survey, we have identified a number of ways that the Biosphere can encourage human-wildlife coexistence in the area. We want to hear your thoughts on what we should prioritize over the coming years and if there is anything else we should be considering.
Your input will be used in combination with logistical, financial and planning considerations to draft a Human-Wildlife Coexistence Strategy for the Beaver Hills that respects the needs of people and wildlife. This strategy will then be incorporated into the Biosphere's broader conservation plan.
This survey should take no more than 20 minutes to complete.
Thank you in advance for your feedback on this important topic.