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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Are the weather conditions OK for play to start?

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* 3. Has all visible debris been removed from the field?

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* 4. Are all sprinkler covers intact and level with the field?

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* 5. Are the perimeter fences and/or signs in a safe state?

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* 6. Are all boundary markers (lines, ropes, cones, etc) at least 3 metres from any possible source of harm, such as fencing, concrete, trees, buildings, etc?

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* 7. Are the game format and ground markings aligned with the competition guidelines?

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* 8. Are the playing surfaces (i.e field and pitch) OK to start play?

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* 9. Are the public areas (e.g. seating and walkways) in a safe state?

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* 10. Is medical assistance (e.g. first aid kit, qualified people and ice) at the ground and accessible?

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* 11. Are shaded areas, sunscreen and clean drinking water available?

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* 12. Are the player’s areas (e.g. changing rooms) in a safe state?

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* 13. Details of any actions taken to address safety concerns i.e. to manage and/or eliminate the risk of a hazard

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* 14. Any other important matters to note or incidents to report?