Question Title

* 1. How likely is it that you would recommend The Alumni Society to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

Question Title

* 2. Overall, how satisfied are you with your membership in The Alumni Society?

Question Title

* 3. Please rank your reasons for joining The Alumni Society in order of importance with #1 being the primary reason you joined to #6 being the least important reason.

Question Title

* 4. Please share any other reason(s) you joined The Alumni Society not listed in the previous question. (Optional)

Question Title

* 5. Please rate how satisfied you are with the following events in 2021. If you did not attend, please select 'N/A'.

  Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Annual Leadership Summit
A2A: Alumni to Alumni Events
Executive Forums
SocietyCast Events

Question Title

* 6. How comfortable will you be attending in-person gatherings in 2022?

Question Title

* 7. Please rate how satisfied you are with the following member features. If you have not used a feature, please select 'N/A'.

  Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Private Slack workspace
Bi-weekly Bulletin e-newsletter: Alumni Society news & member spotlights
Bi-weekly Careers e-newsletter: Job listings from our corporate partners
Strategic Introductions to corporate partners

Question Title

* 8. What do you like most about being a member of The Alumni Society? 

Question Title

* 9. What would you like to see more from The Alumni Society? How can this network serve you better?

Question Title

* 10. How interested are you in the following opportunities? Rate on a scale of 1 (not interested) to 5 (very interested).

  Not interested
2 Neither interested nor uninterested 
4 Very Interested
More events in your industry or area of focus (virtual or in-person)
Casual networking or meet-up opportunities (virtual or in-person)
Professional development workshops (such as board readiness, et al.)
Strategic Introductions to corporate partners
Access to exclusive peer-to-peer forum groups  (5-10)
Expanded relationships with current school alliances
Speaking opportunities
Access to private investment groups
Giving back through a charitable platform such as an Alumni Socety Foundation
Focus groups to serve as subject matter experts for companies
Board Access programs

Question Title

* 11. Are you interested in mentoring? (*select all that apply)

Question Title

* 12. Would you be interested in volunteering and representing The Alumni Society as an ambassador and/or a school leader?

Question Title

* 13. Would you be interested in hosting a member gathering in your area in 2022?

Question Title

* 14. What member paid services/opportunities would you consider? (*Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 15. Please rate how satisfied you are with The Alumni Society's recruitment opportunities. 

  Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Engagement Managers
Bi-weekly Career Newsletter
Networking events
Strategic Introductions to corporate partners
Coffee chats with corporate partners

Question Title

* 16. How interested are you in career opportunities within the following companies? On a scale of 1 (not interested) to 5 (extremely interested)

  Not interested
2 Neither interested nor uninterested 
4 Very Interested
Bank of America
BNY Mellon
Capital One
Goldman Sachs
Liberty Mutual
T. Rowe Price

Question Title

* 17. We partner with leading organizations with a strong commitment to diversity & inclusion. Our partners receive an array of event, branding, and recruiting services to position their organization as an employer of choice among our top-tier membership. Would your company be a good partner for The Alumni Society and would you be interested in making an introduction? If yes, please include your name, company, and email.

Question Title

* 18. Do you know someone who would benefit from joining The Alumni Society? If you would like to refer a friend or colleague, please list their name and email address below, and if you can, include their LinkedIn profile URL. (optional) Current qualifying schools include: Brown, CalTech, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Duke, Georgetown, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, MIT, Northwestern, Notre Dame, Princeton, Stanford, UC Berkeley, UCLA, University of Chicago, University of Pennsylvania, Yale. *Qualifying candidates are required to have a degree from one of the above school alliances*

Question Title

* 19. The Alumni Society is continually considering expansion of our university alliances, and we'd love your input.  Please select the top three schools you'd like to see The Alumni Society consider expanding to next.