Client Feedback Survey

Please help us improve the quality of our programs and services by completing the following questions.
Your feedback will remain anonymous unless you choose to share your name.
1. What time of day would you prefer the Alzheimer Society programs and services to run? (select all that apply)
2. How frequently would you prefer programs and services to run?
3. Do you prefer in-person, or online/virtual programs and services?
4. Which days of the week are most convenient for you to participate (select all that apply)
5. What are your barriers to participation? (select all that apply)
6. What is the most important program and service for you? (select all that apply)
7. Does the Alzheimer Society help you to achieve your goals?
Please elaborate and provide some examples of your goals
8. What would you like to gain from attending Alzheimer Society programs and services? (select all that apply)
9. Looking forward, what other programs and services could we offer?
10. What are some suggestions you have for improving experiences for yourself and others?
11. Would you like us to contact you to further discuss our programs and services?
If yes, please include your name and contact information in the box below.