Thank you for taking this short survey!

Artist Will Schlough is developing public art along the newly renovated bike path in conjunction with the East Marginal Way Corridor Improvement Project. Your feedback to this short survey will help dictate the project’s direction and is greatly appreciated.

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* 1. How do you typically interact with the East Marginal Way Corridor and/or the surrounding SODO area?

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* 2. In a few words, what should be the purpose of public art?

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* 3. In a few words, what do you like most about SODO and/or East Marginal Way?

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* 4. Which of these themes excite you when imagining an art project along East Marginal Way? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

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* 5. Which of these images are you drawn to? (PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)MOODBOARD

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* 6. Is there anything else you’d like to share that could be useful in the project’s development?

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* 7. Would you have any interest in a continued conversation related to the East Marginal Way Corridor Art Project?