Welcome NOLA SHRM Members 

Understanding Your Hiring Needs

This survey is in collaboration with New Orleans Business Alliance (NOLABA). Your input will help us to better understand the hiring activities within the metro area planned for the rest of the year.
1.Which industry do you represent?
2.How has COVID-19 impacted your hiring needs?
3.Do you anticipate hiring in the next three months?
4.If yes, how many positions do you anticipate hiring for?
5.If yes, what types of positions will you be hiring for?
6.If yes, what kind of skills are you looking for?
7.Do you anticipate hiring in the next 6 months?
8.If yes, how many positions do you anticipate hiring for?
9.If yes, what types of positions will you be hiring for?
10.If you answered no to Q3 and Q7, when do you anticipate hiring again?
11.Are you interested in building partnerships with workforce / community based organizations?
12.Do you currently have partnerships with workforce OR community based organizations?
13.If yes, which organizations are you currently partnering with?
Current Progress,
0 of 13 answered