Welcome to CenterPoint Energy!

Congratulations! You have recently reached the 90 Day mark in your current position with CenterPoint Energy. One of the best sources of knowledge and innovation is new employees. Because we are committed to improving our Onboarding process, we value your opinions about your first 90 days of employment with us. Your feedback on this brief survey will help us understand what we are doing well, and what we need to improve regarding: new employee introduction, new employee training, and job specific satisfaction.

Answers to survey questions will remain confidential. All responses will be compiled with those of other survey participants and will be reported as summary data. The summarized information will be shared with Human Resources and used to improve the way we continue to welcome and integrate new employees here at CenterPoint Energy. We appreciate your time and participation…Thank you!

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* 1. I clearly understand the expectations of my job.

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* 2. I know where to go or whom to ask if I have a question about my duties.

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* 3. I am happy with the decision to work at this company.

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* 4. I feel like I am a part of CenterPoint Energy.

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* 5. My manager/supervisor communicates effectively.

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* 6. My manager/supervisor provides regular and effective feedback that helps me improve my job performance.

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* 7. The orientation to my department/team at CenterPoint Energy prepared me to be successful in my current job.

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* 8. I feel positively challenged and engaged in my job.