MLU Staff Prep Survey - December 2023

The purpose of this survey is to learn from you. Your input is critical to informing our direction in 2024 and thus, our overall ability to implement the  goals we set in the Strategic Planning process in 2022-2023.  As we grow, it is important that we understand how we work together. That we build nimble processes and that we improve our communications across each of our areas of work emphasis.  2024 will not be an easy year - we will stretch ourselves.  But, we have set up strong platforms for success and I believe it will be exciting.  Thank you for being part of this team!

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* 1. What is your primary area of work?

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* 2. Do any of these adjectives describe MLU?

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* 3. MLU's primary strategic objective is representation. How does that manifest itself in our work? Choose the top 5 areas you feel are most relevant to achieve the objective.

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* 4. With regards to community-building and community engagement, what are the most important relationships for MLU to develop in 2024?  Pick your top five.

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* 5. If we could expand MLU's regional work, which area or county/counties should we target next?

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* 6. What types of funding streams should we consider targeting? Pick 6 areas

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* 7. With regards to community partnerships, which organizations should MLU build relationships for collaborative fundraising? Pick all that apply.

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* 8. On the issue of integrating Leadership and Organizational Development to support Latine community needs, which areas should MLU prioritize in 2024? Pick your top three.

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* 9. One of our priorities for 2024, will be to improve measurement techniques and standardize evaluation practices for our community intake/data collections/needs assessments/KAP surveys, etc.  Which practices do you believe will contribute the most to general improved community impacts and outcomes?  Choose all that apply.

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* 10. Membership needs to grow. We currently have 300 members, but we have added a $29 advocacy membership to promote Latine networking across the state.  What does MLU need to do to make that happen?

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* 11. Communications priorities are ever-shifting depending on events and community engagement needs.  However, there are some issues that are evergreen. What areas do you believe should be standardized across the organization?

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* 12. One of the areas where MLU needs to improve its outreach relates to public relations.  What would you do to improve knowledge about MLU in Maryland's Latine community and across important leadership spaces?  How would you rank the following?

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* 13. What else should MLU focus on in 2024?