
By the grace and kindness of God, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Orillia has been experiencing an unusually high level of growth for the last year. We came out of COVID in a very healthy and stable position, and the church has not only recovered, but far surpassed its previous size and scale. This is a wonderful challenge to be facing as a leadership, but the pace of growth has surpassed our expectations and planning. As such, in June of 2024 we met with a church consultant to help jolt our planning process up to speed. We are considering a variety of short and long term approaches to steward the grace the Lord has given to us. Please take a few moments to provide your feedback on a few issues that we are working and praying through.

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* 1. Name:

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* 2. Email

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* 3. What campus do you attend?

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* 4. What is your connection to Cornerstone Baptist Church, Orillia?

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* 5. Do you regularly give to the ministries of this church?

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* 6. Would you be willing to give separately, and above and beyond, to a capital campaign for the renovation and expansion of the building?

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* 7. Do you have a regular weekly or monthly area of service in the church? (CM volunteer, Brother Bean, worship team etc.)

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* 8. How often do you listen to Into the Word? (Please select one)

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* 9. If you do listen to Into the Word, how do you normally access the material?

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* 10. Given the shortage of young men who are entering ministry and the current health of Cornerstone Baptist Church, do you believe the Lord is asking Cornerstone Baptist to identify, train and mentor young men for ministry?

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* 11. Given the strategic location of Cornerstone Baptist Church, and the health that we have been blessed with, do you believe that Cornerstone ought to actively seek to mentor, resource and revitalize other churches in our surrounding area?

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* 12. There are a variety of ways we might consider as a church for managing growth. Recognizing that all potential solutions have advantages and disadvantages, what methods most appeal to you? (Select a maximum of two)

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* 13. We have talked for several years about some of the limitations of our building. If renovating or expanding, what would you recommend we prioritize? (Please check all that apply):

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* 14. Given our high rate of growth, and the relatively slow pace of church planting, the Board of Elders is currently adopting a “both/and” approach in the short term. We are moving to two services in the fall, to make space for visitors and inquirers, while simultaneously looking to ramp up our church planting and leadership development efforts. What do you think will be the greatest COST associated with our approach?

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* 15. As mentioned in question 11, the Board of Elders is currently adopting a “both/and” approach in the short term, in terms of managing growth. We are moving to two services in the fall, to make space for visitors and inquirers, while simultaneously looking to ramp up our church planting and leadership development efforts. What do you think will be the greatest BENEFIT associated with our approach?