
The 2025 California Immunization Coalition Summit
April 29 - 30, 2025
Riverside, CA

Submit an Abstract for a Breakout Session
It's easy to submit a short on-line abstract to share programs, practices, and lessons learned with other immunization advocates and providers.

Presentations should be approximately 20 minutes long and Abstracts should support the following Summit objectives:

Goals for the 2025 Summit:

  1. Provide support and technical assistance to enhance existing education, communication, and outreach efforts
  2. Share successful strategies and best practices to strengthen local and statewide advocacy efforts
  3. Review new recommendations, issues, and trends in immunizations and vaccine-preventable diseases
  4. Disseminate innovative approaches to promote and deliver immunizations across the lifespan

Possible Ideas Include:

Specific Populations: Programs and interventions that are tailored to reach specific populations (e.g., educational settings, pharmacies, workplaces, geography, age, race/ethnicity, risk, etc.)
Tools and Strategies: Development and implementation of effective tools, techniques and strategies to improve immunization rates (e.g., training, education, operations, outreach, vaccine storage and handling, etc.)
State and Local Advocacy: Projects that support state and local advocacy on vaccine issues, or improve skills in program planning, policy development, and crafting and/or achieving passage of legislation
Registries and IT Systems: How registries or other IT systems can be utilized to increase immunization rates
Engaging Partners: Innovative approaches used by local immunization coalitions or advocacy groups to engage partners and/or promote immunizations
Media: Creative methods using both social and traditional media to promote vaccination
Clinical: Clinical updates regarding vaccines and vaccine-preventable diseases
Other: Don’t feel limited to the categories above. Tell us what you are doing and how it worked.

it your abstract by Wednesday, January 8, 2025.

**Note: This year, CIC will be offering discount codes to Registration Fees for attending the Summit for abstracts that are accepted for presentation. Discount code will be provided upon acceptance/ confirmation.

**If you plan to submit an abstract but don’t expect to have your organization’s approval to submit it before the deadline, please contact Kamrynn Lawton.

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