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Thank you for your participation in this Dental Economics survey on intraoral cameras. Responses are anonymous and will be used for an article by appearing in the fall of 2020.

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* 1. How many intraoral cameras does your practice own?

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* 2. What brand of intraoral camera do you use?

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* 3. In what year did you purchase your intraoral camera? (If you own more than one camera, please indicate the most recent year of purchase.)

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* 4. About how much did you pay for your intraoral camera? (If you have acquired multiple cameras over time, please indicate the most recent purchase price.)

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* 5. Generally speaking, do you utilize an intraoral camera for every patient appointment?

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* 6. If you answered "no" to the previous question, when do you typically use your intraoral camera? Check all that apply. (If you answered "yes" to the previous question, please skip.)

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* 7. When using your intraoral camera, about how many pictures do typically take per patient?

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* 8. Please rank who uses your intraoral camera the most in your practice. (Most to least.)

  1. Dentist
  2. Hygienist
  3. Assistant

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* 9. Have you experienced an increase in treatment plan acceptance and revenue thanks to using your intraoral camera for patient education and case presentation?

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* 10. If you answered "yes" to the previous question, how much additional revenue do you estimate has been generated by using your intraoral camera? (For example, "$X per month" or "$X per year.")

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* 11.

Please feel free to leave any additional comments about your intraoral camera use. Your comments and answers will remain anonymous and may be used in a Dental Economics article.

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