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How Do You Feel About Travel?
Are you comfortable taking a vacation in the US this year, if it can be done safely?
I'm not sure
Currently, there are overseas destinations that are open to US tourists. How likely are you to go on vacation outside the continental United States in 2020?
Extremely likely
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Not so likely
Not at all likely
How likely are you to take at least one vacation outside the continental United States in 2021?
Extremely likely
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Not so likely
Not at all likely
How important is it that you travel with 'knowledge aforethought', i.e., knowing the restrictions, requirements, safety protocols, and availability of services at your destination?
Meh - I don't mind winging it.
I'll research it myself before I go.
I don't mind checking for myself, but I think it's smart to have professional advice these days.
I'm not gonna travel so it doesn't matter at all.
Did Covid-19 cause you to cancel or postpone your vacation(s)?
Below are different vacation types. Which of these, if any, would you consider? (The types are broad categories, and there may be many variations of each. For example, a "cruise" could be small-ship, expedition, private yacht, trans-Atlantic. If ANY type of cruise interests you, please check 'Cruise'.) Check as many as apply.
Cruising (with/without a before/after land portion)
Private, escorted excursions with a destination expert
All-inclusive resort
Immersive (culture, food, lifestyle, all a country has to offer)
Seeing the famous places that I've read about.
My vacay is my chance to chill and not lift a finger
Fun, adventure and seeing it all
Far away and exotic
Safari time!
Other (please specify)
This is your space to write in a comment, or something you'd like me know: