Question Title

* 1. My organization uses ParcelMap BC as the primary source for legal parcel mapping for spatial representation.

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* 2. My organization uses Parcelmap BC as the primary source for legal parcel mapping of included parcel attributes

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* 3. My organization's use of other legal parcel mapped representations is limited or no longer maintained. 

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* 4. For local governments: my organization recommends others who require legal parcel mapping for our jurisdiction use ParcelMap BC.

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* 5. For local governments: My organization has signed the ICI Society's ParcelMap BC Data Handling Form and acknowledges the ICIS Cadastre shall refer to ParcelMap BC for our jurisdiction.

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* 6. My contact information is:
(info will be kept confidential to ParcelMap BC and ICI Society - it will not be shared, or added to any email distribution lists)