Every Program Director of CAAHEP-accredited programs must attest that they have incorporated the changes outlined below that are included in the 2022 CAAHEP Standards and Guidelines.  All of the questions are required, and it is important that you are accurate and  honest in your responses.  Please contact your Program Manager if you have any questions about the information.

Your responses are due by October 15, 2023.  

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the following information

Question Title

* 2. Please provide the following information: 

Outlined below you will find the items that are included in the 2022 CAAHEP Standards and Guidelines
Standard I.B.2

Award academic credit for the program or have an articulation agreement with an accredited post-secondary institution. 

Question Title

* 4. Is your program a non-credit program? In other words, the students do not receive academic credit for the program.

Question Title

* 5. If  your program is a non-credit program, do you have an articulation agreement (memorandum of understanding, non-credit to credit pathway) with a program in an accredited post-secondary institution?

Standard I.B.3

Have a preparedness plan in place that assures continuity of education services in the event of an unanticipated interruption.  

Question Title

* 6. Do you have a preparedness plan(s), formally written out, for any potential interruptions to educational services for both the institution and the medical assisting program.

Standard II.A Program Goals and Minimum Expectations

The Minimum Expectations statement changed in the 2022 CAAHEP Standards and Guidelines and the revised statement is below. It is required to have it printed verbatim in one of your documents.  

“To prepare medical assistants who are competent in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains to enter the profession.”

Question Title

* 7. Do you have the Minimum Expectations statement from the 2022 Standards and Guidelines printed somewhere in your program documentation?

You have a lot of options where this statement can be printed.  You might have it on your syllabi or in your Program handbook or as one of your program goals or on your advisory committee meeting minutes.  It needs to be printed somewhere, verbatim, in your program's documentation.

V.A.2.d, e, & f Fair Practices

There were three additions made to the list of what must be made known to all applicants and students: 

Technical Standards
Occupational Risks
Articulation Agreements

For the technical standards, you need to have either Technical Standards or a statement that the program has no Technical Standards.  You need to have a statement about the Occupational Risks that medical assistants encounter on the job.  And, for programs that offer articulation agreements into other institutions or programs, those articulation agreements need to be publicly available. NOTE:  These articulation agreements apply to all programs, not just the articulation agreements needed for noncredit programs.    

Question Title

* 8. Does the program have either a Technical Standards statement or a statement that there are no Technical Standards available for applicants and students?

Question Title

* 9. Does the program have a statement about the Occupational Risks available for applicants and students?

Question Title

* 10. Does the program have information about articulation agreements (if applicable) available for applicants and students?

V.A.3.c Fair Practices

There was an addition of what must be made known to all students:

Appeals Process

If a student files a grievance, they must have the information of how to appeal the decision that was made, if necessary.  

Question Title

* 11. Does the program/institution have an appeals process for a grievance and is it available to the students?

Standard III.C Curriculum

The program must demonstrate that the curriculum offered meets or exceeds the MAERB Core Curriculum listed in Appendix B of these Standards.  

The implementation schedule required that all programs need to be teaching the 2022 MAERB Core Curriculum by fall 2023, if not earlier. 

Question Title

* 12. The program's curriculum has changed to incorporate the 2022 MAERB Core Curriculum found in the 2022 CAAHEP Standards and Guidelines.  

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* 13. Provide the day (month and year) by which the program has taught or will have taught at least one cohort of students the entire 2022 MAERB Core Curriculum.  

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* 14. Please type your name to attest that all the information that you have provided is accurate and complete.