Exit this survey Center for Youth Studies Youth Workers Survey 1. Default Section Question Title * 1. I work in a(n) generally: Urban setting Suburban setting Rural setting Question Title * 2. I am a (check all that apply): Youth worker/volunteer in a church/parachurch setting Youth worker/volunteer in another religious setting (a Synagogue, for example) Teacher in a public school Teacher in a private school Social worker Doctor Parent Babysitter Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What do you most struggle with in your work with youth? (Choose your top 3) Lack of energy Lack of training and/or experience in youth work Little to no interest among youth Lack of proper youth staff Little or no support from colleagues (other youth workers, bosses, etc.) Little or no support from family/friends Lack of funding (from church, school, etc.) Little to no personal financial resources Lack of personal motivation Lack of opportunities for networking with other's who work with youth Lack of other (non-financial) resources, such as textbooks. Skewed male/female ratios Skewed youth/adult ratios Lack of understanding of youth culture Age differences between youth and youth workers too great Lack of a suitable place to meet (no classroom, classroom too small, etc.) Lack of time and/or energy to prepare for meetings Other (please specify) Done