Question Title

* 1. How did you find out about Sheep Central?
(You can select more than one option)

Question Title

* 2. How do you usually visit Sheep Central?

Question Title

* 3. Which sections of our website are of most interest or use to you?
(You can select more than one option)

Question Title

* 4. Are there any sections/topic areas you would like to see included on Sheep Central?

Question Title

* 5. What do you like about our website?
(You can select more than one option)

Question Title

* 6. What don't you like about our website?
(You can select more than one option)

Question Title

* 7. How would you rate our website in terms of the following?

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor
Speed of reporting news developments and information
Quality/accuracy of articles
Coverage of important sheep industry issues
Design and appearance
How quickly it takes for our site to load
Your overall satisfaction with the site
Consistency of speed from page to page
Ease of navigation
Ability to search and find past articles
Depth of articles
Credibility of articles

Question Title

* 8. Would you like to see more of these things on Sheep Central?
(You can choose more than one answer)

Question Title

* 9. How often do you visit Sheep Central?

Question Title

* 10. How does the standard of your internet service affect your ability to access and read Sheep Central?

Question Title

* 11. Compared with competing rural news providers, would you regard our news service as better, worse or about the same?

Question Title

* 12. For advertising customers, how would you rate the value for money you receive from advertising on Sheep Central, compared with competing options?

Question Title

* 13. How likely is it that you would recommend Sheep Central to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

Question Title

* 14. Are there any particular topics/issues you would like to see us cover in future articles or webinars?

Question Title

* 15. Do you have any other comments, questions, or thoughts on how we can improve our website to suit your needs?