Exit Research Sessions About Tax Preparation 1. Hello and thank you for your interest in our online research sessions about tax preparation. To help us see if you qualify, please answer the questions below. We will follow up by phone if you appear to match the study requirements. If chosen, you will receive $225 to thank you for your time and feedback.Privacy Act Statement: The authority requesting this information is 5 United States Code 301. The primary purpose of asking for the information is to determine steps the IRS can take to improve our services to you. The information may be disclosed as authorized by the routine uses published in the following Privacy Act System of Records: (1) IRS 00.001 Correspondence Files and Correspondence Control Files and (2) IRS 10.004 Stakeholder Relationship Management and Subject Files. Providing the information is voluntary. Not answering some or all of the questions will not affect you. Question Title * 1. Do you give your consent for Hagen/Sinclair to collect your personal information for the purposes of this research? Yes No Basic Information Question Title * 2. When was the last time you participated in a focus group discussion or marketing research interview? Less than 6 months More than 6 months Never Question Title * 3. What was the subject of the most recent group discussion or in-depth interview in which you participated? Question Title * 4. What is your age? Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Prefer not to say Question Title * 5. What state do you currently live in? AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE DC FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY Prefer not to say Question Title * 6. What type of community do you currently live in? Rural area Small city or town Large city Suburb near a large city Tribal Prefer not to say Question Title * 7. What industry do you work in? Accounting Administration and Office Support Advertising, Arts and Media Banking and Financial Services Call Center and Customer Service Community Services and Development Construction Consulting and Strategy Design and Architecture Education and Training Engineering Farming, Animals and Conservation Government Healthcare and Medical Hospitality and Tourism Human Resources and Recruitment Information and Communication Technology Insurance Legal Manufacturing, Transport and Logistics Marketing and Communications Mining, Resources and Energy Real Estate and Property Retail and Consumer Products Sales Science and Technology Sport and Recreation Trades and Services Other Prefer not to say Tax Information Question Title * 8. In what state(s) or territories did you (and your spouse, if you file your taxes as "married filing jointly") earn income last year? Please select all that apply. Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas Baker Island California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Howland Island Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Jarvis Island Johnston Atoll Kansas Kentucky Kingman Reef Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Midway Atoll Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Navassa Island Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Northern Mariana Islands Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Palmyra Atoll Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas U.S. Virgin Islands Utah Vermont Virginia Wake Island Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Prefer not to say I didn’t earn income in the U.S. Question Title * 9. How would you rate your level of tax knowledge? No tax knowledge Low tax knowledge Moderate tax knowledge High tax knowledge Expert level (such as an accountant, tax professional or volunteer tax preparer) Prefer not to say Question Title * 10. How many times in the last 3 years have you (or someone else on your behalf) filed taxes? None Once Twice All 3 times Not sure Prefer not to say Question Title * 11. Do you have children or other family members who live with you that you financially support? Please check all that apply. I live with my partner/spouse I financially support my partner/spouse I live with my children I financially support my children I live with other family members I financially support other family members I'm financially supported by someone who is not my spouse None of the above Prefer not to say Question Title * 12. What filing status did you use the last time you filed taxes? Single Married filing jointly Married filing separately Head of household Qualifying widow(er) I don't remember I've never filed my taxes Prefer not to say Question Title * 13. What types of income apply to you (or your spouse if married filing jointly)? Please check all that apply. Salary income (Form W2) Pension and retirement income (Form 1099-R) Disability or Social Security Income (Form SSA-1099) Income from taxable investments like interest, dividends, 401k, IRA, etc. (Form 1099-INT) Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD, Form 1099-MISC) Unemployment compensation (Form 1099-G) Self-employment income Gig economy work income I didn't get income in 2024 Prefer not to say Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 14. Which of the following types of adjustments might apply to you (and/or your spouse, if married filing jointly)? Please check all that apply. Dependent Care Benefits Health Savings Account Student loan interest deduction Qualified educator expenses adjustment None of the above Question Title * 15. Which of the following tax credits apply to you or do you think may apply to you (and your spouse if married filing jointly)? Please check all that apply. Child Tax Credit Credit for Other Dependents Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit Earned Income Tax Credit Premium Tax Credit Credit for the Elderly or the Disabled Saver's Credit (Retirement Savings Contributions Credit) I don't have any credits or deductions that apply to me I don't know / I'm not sure Prefer not to say Question Title * 16. Have you (or your spouse if married filing jointly) had any life events that could have impacted your tax return in the past 2 years? Please select all that apply. Birth or adoption of a child Job change Marriage Divorce Change in children's custody A shared custody situation with a former partner that is reflected in my tax return Paid for child or dependent care Naturalization as a U.S. Citizen U.S. immigration status/visa change Buying or selling property Mortgage payments Buying or selling investments Buying or selling digital assets (e.g., cryptocurrency, NFTs, etc.) Entering into retirement Changes to retirement or other pre-tax contributions Educational expenses Loss of a family member or dependent Prefer not to say Other (please specify) None of the above Experience with Tax Filing Tools Question Title * 17. How have you filed your taxes in the past? Please check all that apply. I personally filled out my own tax return using paper forms (e.g., sent my 1040 to the IRS in the mail) I personally filled out my own tax return using IRS Direct File I personally filled out my own tax return using free online tax software (e.g., Free File, FreeTaxUSA, TaxSlayer, etc.) I personally filled out my own tax return using paid online tax software (e.g., TurboTax, H&R Block, etc.) My spouse, family-member, or friend filled out my tax return for me I used an accountant, CPA, or other tax professional I used a community tax center I used another kind of tax service I never filed my taxes. Not sure Other (please specify) Question Title * 18. If selected to participate in this study, would you be comfortable bringing copies of your tax forms for 2024 to our session? We will take steps to ensure your sensitive information is kept private.If you're married, or have children or other dependents that you claimed or mentioned in your tax return, you would need to have their tax information available as well. Yes No I'm not sure Demographic Information We ask questions about income, education, race/ethnicity, gender, age, English fluency, and disability to ensure we get a wide range of perspectives included in our research. If you're uncomfortable answering any of these questions, you can select the " I prefer not to answer" option. Question Title * 19. Which of the following categories best describes your total household yearly income before taxes? $0 to $14,999/year $15,000 to $29,999/year $30,000 to $53,999/year $54,000 to $74,999/year $75,000 to $99,999/year $100,000 to $149,999/year $150,000 to $199,999/year $200,000 to $249,999/year $250,000/year or more I prefer not to answer Question Title * 20. What is the highest level of education you have completed? Less than high school Some high school High school graduate or equivalent Some college, no college degree Associate's degree Bachelor's degree Master's degree Doctoral degree I prefer not to answer Question Title * 21. How do you currently describe yourself? Please select all that apply. Female Male Transgender Non-binary or gender non-conforming I prefer not to say I use a different term (please specify) Question Title * 22. Which terms best describe your race or ethnicity? Please select all that apply. American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White I prefer not to say Question Title * 23. How well do you speak and understand English? I'm fluent I can read news articles and keep up with conversations I can understand some things but have trouble sometimes I don't speak English I prefer not to say Question Title * 24. Do you have any cognitive or physical disabilities? We ask this question because we want to learn from people with a wide variety of experiences. We'd like to hear about it even if it's a minor challenge for you, and don't care whether or not you've received a formal diagnosis. Please check all that apply. Difficulty with reading or learning (such as dyslexia) Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions (such as ADHD, Autism spectrum) A traumatic brain injury Blind or difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses Deaf or difficulty hearing Difficulty with mobility or other physical capabilities I'm not sure I prefer not to say Other (please specify) None of the above Study Logistics Question Title * 25. Which of the following devices/software do you have and use on a regular basis? Please select all that apply. Smartphone Tablet Laptop computer Desktop computer High-speed internet Zoom web conferencing Webex web conferencing Microsoft Teams web conferencing None of the above Question Title * 26. Research sessions via Zoom are conducted by a research moderator. Are you open to having up to 2 notetakers from the Direct File team observe your session as well?This is your choice and it will not impact whether you qualify for the study or not. Anything you share with us will be confidential and voluntary. Yes, I'm open to including up to 2 notetakers in my session in addition to the moderator Yes, I'm open to including up to 1 notetaker in my session in addition to the moderator No, I'd prefer to talk to the moderator only (we will request to record the conversation for notetaking purposes) I don't have a preference Something else (please specify) Question Title * 27. Do you have an ID.me account? If not, are you willing to create one for the purpose of participating in this study? Yes, I already have an ID.me account Yes, I'm willing to create an ID.me account No, I do not have an ID.me account and do not want to create one Question Title * 28. If selected to participate in this study, when would you generally be available for a 3 hour session? Check all that apply. Weekdays 9am-12pm Eastern Time Weekdays 1pm-4pm Eastern Time Weekdays 3pm-6pm Eastern Time Weekdays 5pm-8pm Eastern Time Saturdays 5pm-8pm Eastern Time Sundays 5pm-8pm Eastern Time None of the above Question Title * 29. If selected to participate in this study, would you need any of the following accommodations? Check all that apply. Captioning Large print A trusted individual to accompany me in the session Divide session into multiple sessions Opportunities to take frequent breaks Prefer not to say I don't need accommodations Something else (please specify) Question Title * 30. What is your job title or occupation? Question Title * 31. How did you learn about this research? Hagen/Sinclair email invitation Facebook Instagram Other (please describe): Question Title * 32. May we contact you in the future about other paid marketing research studies? Yes No Please provide your contact information below. Question Title * 33. What is your name? Question Title * 34. What is your email address? Question Title * 35. What is your phone number? Question Title * 36. What is your town or city of residence? Thank you very much for answering our questions! We will follow up with you by email or telephone very soon if you appear to qualify for one of the study sessions. Done