National Bargaining begins in March 2018. Help us maintain groundbreaking benefits and programs that empower us to deliver the best care anywhere. Complete this bargaining survey today so that your voice will be heard and to help achieve success at the bargaining table.

INSTRUCTIONS: Please rate the following bargaining topics on a scale from extremely important to not as important. Please reserve “extremely important” for the issues MOST important to you so that we can give those responses more weight.

Question Title

* 1. Which bargaining unit are you in?

Question Title

* 2. Wages

  Extremely Important Very Important Somewhat Important Not as Important
Across-the-board wage increases

Question Title

* 3. Health, retirement, and other benefits: maintain industry-leading compensation

  Extremely Important Very Important Somewhat Important Not as Important
Retirement benefits that attract and keep experienced, committed staff to serve our KP members and patients
Health benefits that attract and keep experienced, committed staff to serve our KP members and patients

Question Title

* 4. Partnership: build on the strength of our teams and programs

  Extremely Important Very Important Somewhat Important Not as Important
Ensure that unit-based teams are accountable to labor and management for meeting the promise of empowering frontline workers
Create and support structures that ensure KP works with unions at every level of operations

Question Title

* 5. Staffing and backfill

  Extremely Important Very Important Somewhat Important Not as Important
Make certain staffing levels are adequate to service members, provide quality patient care, and allow staff full use of leave provisions in contract
Provide adequate release time and backfill for participation in LMP activities

Question Title

* 6. Workforce and Jobs of the Future

  Extremely Important Very Important Somewhat Important Not as Important
Prepare for rapid changes in healthcare delivery, service, and technology in full partnership with unions and management
Improve access to education and training necessary for new and changing jobs
Ensure that new and established jobs offer full benefits, and make full-time schedules available for people who want them