Virtual MindPeace Room™ Feedback Survey

Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey. Your feedback is needed to help us improve our virtual MindPeace Rooms™ and help future users. Thank you!
1.Which Virtual MindPeace Room™ did you explore/use today? (check all that apply)
2.Which of the engagement tabs did you use during your time in the Virtual MindPeace Room™? (check all that apply)
3.Are you taking this survey on behalf of a child/client?
4.How did you hear about the Virtual MindPeace Room™?
5.Why did you seek out the Virtual MindPeace Room™? (check all that apply)
6.Did the Virtual MindPeace Room™ help you accomplish your goal?
7.Would you recommend Virtual MindPeace Rooms™?
8.What about the Virtual MindPeace Room™ did you find helpful?
9.How can we improve the Virtual MindPeace Rooms™ for you and future users?
10.Is there anything else we should know?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered