Charity Sector Staff & Volunteer Wellbeing

Tell us what you think and what you want to be done to make the sector better for everyone and we will make sure that message gets out there.  All responses are anonymous.  

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* 1. What is your charity's annual income?

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* 2. Which statement would best describe you role?

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* 3. Rate each statement on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 10 (strongly agree).  Ignore any that are not relevant to you. 

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
People throughout the charity work collaboratively and support each other
My role enables me to gain new skills and experience
My salary increases have kept pace with inflation and wages growth in other organisations
My team recognise and learn from our mistakes, and do not repeat them.  
The management team/trustees are always willing to provide support and guidance to help us
I am confident in the ability of the trustee/management team to ensure we continue to be successful
I'm passionate about our charitable cause
We work hard, but we also make time to have fun and enjoy ourselves
Management have good technical skills, which they use to coach and advise staff
The charity has robust policies on bullying and other unacceptable behaviour
We are allocated tasks in a clear and effective manner, with achievable deadlines
My working environment enables me to work well without undue stress or distraction
Management ensure no one is discriminated against: women, minorities or others
People are valued and rewarded for their contribution, not for who they are, or who they know
Although charity staff may be paid less than those in other sectors, this isn't a problem for me
People at all levels are listened to and actively involved in decision making
Management are supportive of me in developing my own career aspirations
I find my role interesting and enjoy my work
I have a good work/life balance, which enables me to spend time with my family and friends
The management team are always open to new ideas and implement these, where appropriate 
Insofar as possible, my charity creates career progression and encourages internal promotion
Rules and procedures are applied flexibly and sensibly, so don't get in the way of getting my job done
My role gives me a real sense of satisfaction for what I achieve
If I am having difficulty with my work, I know that I can ask for help and will be supported
I rarely feel stressed or depressed about work
The remuneration and benefits are those that I value 
The management team behave in the way they expect others to and are respected by the staff for doing so
Even the most junior team members are treated with courtesy and respect
Management understand the challenges we face and work hard to support us in managing these effectively
Playing my part in the charitable impact we have really motivates me
Our policies and procedures work well, because they are clear and simple to understand
Staff are appraised annually against measurable, achievable personal objectives
I am given regular constructive feedback on my performance
Everyone is treated fairly and with courtesy
There's no bullying or other unacceptable behaviour
I expect to still be working for my charity more than a year from now
The work I do is valued by my work colleagues and beneficiaries
People are held accountable for their work, but not blamed for issues beyond their control
The management team genuinely value all members of staff, including those in junior and lower paid roles
I have a good working relationship with my manager
I am proud of my organisation and the charitable work we do
If there ever was bullying or other abuse, I'm confident it would be dealt with quickly and properly
We are consulted in developing plans and procedures, which helps to help ensure these work well
I have a personal development plan, which my line manager supports me in undertaking
I see working for my charity as a long term career choice
The fact that I work for a good cause matters to my family and friends
My role enables me to make full use of my skills and experience
Given the current conditions in the charity sector, I am confident my job is secure
When our team succeeds, we celebrate our success and my own contribution is recognised
Management allow us reasonable freedom to decide how to plan our work and don't micro-manage us
If I felt I needed to raise a workplace concern with management, I know I would be listened to
Working in an organisation that is socially responsible is important to me
Management actively support me in growing my work experience and skills
My salary is reasonable compared to others in similar roles
Management are genuinely interested in and concerned with our success and personal wellbeing

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* 4. Please provide more detail about those areas you rated lowest; be as specific as possible

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* 5. What is it about the charity sector that you find most motivating and important to you?

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* 6. What do you think are the most important things that charities should do to support and promote the wellbeing of their people? 

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* 7. If your charity has or will be awarding a staff pay rise this year, please tell us what the % increase and any other relevant detail