Farming as a Career Exploration

The University of Maine Cooperative Extension through its AgrAbility Program is partnering with the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) to provide career exploration and work experiences for individuals with disabilities. 

We are surveying farmers to determine possible opportunities to assist students (at least 14 years of age) and adults with rich experiences of career exploration that may include job & site tours, job shadows, interviews, and work experiences.  Please respond to the following five questions.
For more information on this effort please contact:
· Maine AgrAbility Project: 207-944-1533 or (800) 287-1478 (in-state)
· DVR Rehabilitation Services Manager, Elizabeth Nitzel: 207-623-6798

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* 1. Would you be willing to have an individual, at least 14 years of age, visit your farm as a way for them to explore farm work as a possible job? An agency contact person would accompany them.

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* 2. Would you be willing to have a small group of (less than 5) individuals visit your farm as a way for them to explore farming as a possible job?

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* 3. Would you be willing to explore the possibility of having an individual work on your farm on a part-time or full-time basis to learn and complete specific tasks or chores? This work experience would be at no risk or cost to you.

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* 4. If you responded “Yes” or “I’m not sure” to the previous question, what types of tasks or chores might be performed on your farm? Mark all that apply.

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* 5. If you responded “Yes”, or “not sure” but may be interested in learning more about this opportunity, please provide follow-up contact information: