Please use the following form to request a Position Statement from the NCS. If there are any questions, please contact

** Please note that all statements made by NCS will undergo legal review to ensure that they are in accordance with and do not jeopordize the 501c3 status.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. In less than 250 words, please describe the issue and why you feel NCS should make a statement.

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* 3. In your opinion, does this affect the NCS' mission, vision or DEI Impact Statement?

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* 4. Do you think that NCS can meaningfully influence the issue? Please explain.

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* 5. In your opinion, does the issue address limiting or ciminalizing evidence-based medical care without scientific rational and/or does the issue limit care or access to care for marginalized and minoritized groups?

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* 6. Does the issue in question condone or facilitate hate crimes or violence?

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* 7. In your opinion, does NCS have sufficient familiarity with the issue in question to make an informal statement? If not, how can the organization educated itself?

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* 8. Is there potiental for negative impact and/or harm connected with taking a position concerning the issue?

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* 9. Is there potential for negative impact and/or harm connected with NOT taking a position concerning the issue?

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* 10. To the best of your knowledge, is there alignment on the issue throughout chapters/regions of NCS?

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* 11. To the best of your knowledge. are there legal concerns about NCS speaking on the issue?

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* 12. In your opinion, is there urgency to act? Are there NCS Committees or Sections urging NCS to act?