ABLE BC's history stretches back 50 years to 1975 with the incorporation of the BC Neighbourhood Pub Owners' Association (NPOA). In 1999, the NPOA was renamed the BC Liquor Licensees and Retailers Association (LLRA) to reflect the inclusion of private liquor retailers in our membership base and advocacy work.

In 2004, we merged with other liquor industry associations to strengthen our impact on government, and BC’s Alliance of Beverage Licensees (ABLE BC) was born.

After cannabis legalization, we opened membership to private cannabis retailers and began advocacy work on their behalf.

For 50 years, ABLE BC, under one name or another, has been at the forefront of every significant liquor (and now cannabis) policy issue in BC. We have ushered in countless positive policy and regulation changes and weathered just about every disaster an industry can face. Through it all, our dedication to our members and our industry has not wavered.

Help us celebrate 50 years of advocacy by sharing how ABLE BC (or the NPOA or LLRA) has impacted you and your business!

Your answers can be as detailed or simple as you like. Feel free to skip questions as needed.

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* 1. How has ABLE BC (or its previous iterations as the NPOA or LLRA) influenced or supported your business or your career?

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* 2. In your opinion, how has ABLE BC (or NPOA or LLRA) contributed to the growth and development of the private liquor industry over the past 50 years?

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* 3. In your opinion, how has ABLE BC contributed to the growth and development of the private cannabis industry?

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* 4. What is your most memorable experience with ABLE BC (or NPOA or LLRA)?

Think of policy changes that impacted you or that you helped influence, events you have attended, resources you've gained access to, committees you have participated in, influential people you have been introduced to, etc.

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* 5. In your opinion, what is ABLE BC's (or NPOA or LLRA) greatest accomplishment or legacy?

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* 6. What do you hope ABLE BC will achieve in the next 50 years?

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* 7. If you could describe ABLE BC in one word or phrase, what would it be?

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* 8. Would you like your testimonial to remain anonymous?

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* 9. Please provide your business or personal website & social media pages.

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* 10. Please provide your contact information.