Rep. Lynda Wilson's transportation survey Question Title * 1. The idea of an 11.7 cents-per-gallon gas tax increase is being floated around Olympia. Are you in favor of this gas tax increase to pay for new transportation projects? Yes No Maybe, but only if the 17th District received its fair share of projects and significant reforms are made to DOT. Question Title * 2. The governor is proposing a carbon tax on big energy users across Washington state, including those in Clark County like Wafer Tech and Georgia Pacific, to pay for transportation and education. Knowing this will most likely raise the price of certain goods and services as well as energy prices, would you support the governor’s plan? Yes No Undecided, need more information Question Title * 3. With notable project failures like “Bertha,” the stuck SR 99 tunnel boring machine, and the 520 Bridge pontoon failures, do you trust WSDOT to effectively and efficiently invest tax dollars? Yes No Undecided Done