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The SEIP 2024 Environmental Insurance Conference is a premier event that brings together experts, professionals, and innovators from the environmental insurance sector. This year's theme, "Back to the Future," invites us to explore the evolution of environmental insurance, learn from our past experiences, and chart a course for a sustainable and resilient future.

To be considered as a speaker at the SEIP 2024 Environmental Insurance Conference, please complete our Call for Speakers submission form. Your submission should include all the questions below. 
Let's shape the future of environmental insurance together. We look forward to hearing your ideas and insights on how we can navigate the road ahead.

Question Title

1. What is your name?

Question Title

2. What is the name of your company?

Question Title

3. What is your job title?

Question Title

4. Do you have any professional or academic designations? If yes, please specify.

Question Title

6. What is the proposed session title?

Question Title

7. Please provide a summary of the session overview.

Question Title

8. What are the three learning objectives for this session?

Question Title

9. What type of presentation format would you prefer for this session? (e.g., lecture, panel, Q&A)

V. Acknowledgment and Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

As the primary presenter for this proposed session, I have thoroughly read the submission guidelines, selection criteria, and terms for speaker compensation, and I understand and agree that I will be responsible for communicating in a timely manner with SEIP staff and any co-presenter (s) regarding information about my session.
If my submission is selected, I understand and give my permission that:

The SEIP Annual Conference Committee has the final determination of learning sessions. Each concurrent learning session will last 45 minutes with Q&A.

I am responsible for adhering to the Call for Presentations deadlines and the guidelines for submission outlined in this document. If I fail to do so, the SEIP Annual Conference Committee reserves the right to remove my session from the conference program.

I am responsible for submitting presentation materials in a PowerPoint template and handouts prior to the conference for inclusion on the Annual Conference website. All presentation materials are due by May 30th, 2024.

SEIP will not produce any handouts past the date of June 7 th, 2024. I am responsible for preparing handout material for my session attendees.

I understand that my learning session is not a showcase for the promotion of my business, practice, or product. As SEIP programs are noncommercial forums, the direct promotion of products and services is prohibited.

This session may be video or audio taped for the purpose of selling the recording at a later time and/or to offer on the website.

I am responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce my handouts if copyrighted by an organization other than SEIP.

I must refrain from overt statements, harsh language, or pointed humor that disparages the rightful dignity and social equity of any individual or group.

The primary presenter and co-presenter(s) (if applicable) will NOT receive an honorarium and will NOT have expenses reimbursed.

Only the primary speaker will receive one complimentary conference registration per presentation. SEIP will automatically register the primary speaker for the conference.

Should your session have co-presenters, they will need to register themselves for the conference if they plan to attend sessions/general sessions and/or networking receptions.

I understand that the press may be present during my session.

I understand that I will NOT receive a copy of this submission.

I agree with the terms and conditions outlined in this Call for Presentations.
In the event of a cancellation, I will notify SEIP in a timely manner.

By Selecting Ok I agree to the SEIP 2024 Terms and Conditions

By submitting this form you are agreeing to the above terms and conditions of SEIP 2024 Back to the Future.
December 22nd, 2023–  All Submissions Due
January 10th, 2024– Selected Presenters notified via email
May 27th, 2024 – PowerPoint Presentation (and any applicable materials) due via email to Angela at
If you have any questions regarding the submission process, please email
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