Welcome to the VLMPO 2050 MTP Update Survey!

Background and Study Area

The Valdosta-Lowndes Metropolitan Planning Organization (VLMPO) is updating its Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) to reflect transportation infrastructure and policy needs through horizon year 2050. The plan will address operating conditions and improvement recommendations for all modes of transportation including roadway, transit, bicycles, and pedestrians.

The MTP will include short and long term strategies and actions for the development of an integrated transportation system to facilitate the movement of people and goods. The VLMPO study area includes all of Lowndes County and portions of Berrien, Brooks, and Lanier Counties.

We want to hear from YOU! Please take a few minutes to complete the following survey about VLMPO area transportation needs and opportunities!

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Figure 1: VLMPO Study Area

Figure 1: VLMPO Study Area

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1. Where do you live? Please refer to the VLMPO Study Area Map above.

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2. Please select the category that best describes your daily travel for work.

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3. Please select the statement that best describes your daily work commute.

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4. In general, what transportation mode do you use most often?

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5. How does the current transportation system shape your daily travel habits including where you travel, when you travel, and the transportation mode you choose to get there?