SBC Committee Interest Survey

Interest Survey

The Committee on Committees needs your help filling vacancies on our church committees. In an effort to help with that, we are asking our church members to complete this survey so that we have a better understanding as to who might be interested in which committees. Please understand that there are a limited number of vacancies. Therefore, we may not be able to place you on a committee immediately. We greatly appreciate your help in making SBC the best it can be!
1.Church Member's Name (First and Last)
2.Church member's phone number
3.I am interested in serving on the following committees.
These are very brief descriptions of each committee. 

Baptismal Committee- assist person(s) being baptized and the pastor before and after the service. 

Benevolence- study and evaluate benevolent needs of church families, community members, and transient requests of the past and design a plan for meeting the needs and administering the plan according to adopted church policies.

Building Maintenance- coordinate efforts to ensure SBC presents pleasant, secure and attractive buildings

Computer/IT- evaluate capabilities of existing computer system and recommend upgrades, as needed

Condolence- provide a meal for the family of a church member who has passed away on the day of the funeral

Emergency Response- assist with medical emergencies

Flower Committee- coordinate flower arrangements for weekly services and/or special services

Grounds Maintenance- coordinate efforts to ensure SBC maintains a pleasant, secure, and attractive environment

Insurance- keep church insurance policies sufficient and appropriate

Interior- coordinate decor of the church

Kitchen- provide services to help facilitate the on-going and special functions of the church ministries

Personnel Committee- minister and encourage staff members; provide consultation to the Pastor when vacancies on church staff occur or when a dismissal of a staff member is necessary

Policy Committee- establish basic church policy 

Stewardship- Education- develop and recommend methods of using the appropriate channels of the church to introduce Biblical stewardship concepts to church members

Stewardship- Mission- increase mission understanding and develop Christian stewards through sharing mission education materials and mission support information

Stewardship- Budget- discover ways to plan and support church ministries through budget development, promotion, committment, and administer its expenditures

Stewardship- Accounting- develop an understanding of and commitment to the Biblical concepts for individual stewardship by taking steps to insure that sound procedures are instituted for collecting, counting, safeguarding, depositing, disbursement, and auditing of funds

Teller Committee- insure proper receipt of funds on behalf of the church

Transportation- provide and coordinate service necessary for safe and efficient transportation in church owned vehicles

Weekday Preschool Committee- oversee Weekday Preschool Program