Poplar Tree Happenings Survey Question Title * 1. On a scale of 1 to 4, how useful is the Happenings Newsletter to you? Not that useful Somewhat useful Useful Extremely useful Question Title * 2. How often do you read the Happenings Newsletter Most months Every month Occasionally Not at all Question Title * 3. In what format do you prefer to read the Happenings Newsletter Print Online Both Print and Online Question Title * 4. What topics do you enjoy the most in the Happenings Newsletter? (Please rank in the order of preference) Question Title * 5. What information or sections would you like to be included in the Happenings Newsletter in the future? (Please enter answer) Question Title * 6. What sections do you think should be removed from the Happenings Newsletter in the future? (Please enter answer) Question Title * 7. How satisfied are you with the layout of the Happenings Newsletter? Extremely Satisfied Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not Satisfied Question Title * 8. How satisfied are you with the timeliness of the information presented in the newsletter? Extremely Satisfied Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not Satisfied Question Title * 9. How satisfied are you with the practicality and helpfulness of the information presented in the newsletter? Extremely Satisfied Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not Satisfied Question Title * 10. How satisfied are you with your ability to submit information or articles for inclusion in the newsletter? Extremely Satisfied Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not Satisfied Question Title * 11. How useful is the PTHOA website to you? Not that useful Somewhat useful Useful Extremely Useful Question Title * 12. What information are you seeking when you visit the website? (check all that apply) Community Activities PTHOA Rules and Regulations Contact People (such as Sequoia Management personnel, Architectural Control Committee, etc.) Online Version of the Newsletter Online Discussions Other (please specify) Question Title * 13. What would make the website more useful to you? (please enter your answer) Question Title * 14. How useful is the PTHOA MOKO App to you? Not that useful Somewhat useful Useful Extremely useful I didn't know PTHOA had an app Question Title * 15. What information are you seeking when you visit the MOKO app? (check all that apply) Community Activities Community Alerts PTHOA Rules and Regulations Information on how to submit a request Pool Pass Other (please specify) Question Title * 16. What would make the MOKO app more useful to you? (please enter your answer) Done