Build a Better Business Program Expression of Interest

Please check the below eligibility requirements prior to completing the form:
1) Your business is registered in the Sunshine Coast Local Government Area
2) You have a minimum of 12 months experience owning or managing a business 
3) You are interested in completing the 3 X 3 collaborative face to face workshops

Please contact TAFE direct for alternative options via if you do not meet the above criteria. 

1.Business Name(Required.)
2.Name of Participant(Required.)
3.ABN or ACN(Required.)
4.Business Address(Required.)
5.Phone Number(Required.)
6.Email Address(Required.)
7.What is your legal structure? i.e. sole trader, company etc.
8.How long have you been operating or managing your business?(Required.)
9.What is the nature of your business? Describe your core products and/ or service solutions.(Required.)
10.How will participation in this program assist you in the growth and development of your business? Please include your aims, possible direction you'd like to see your business heading in, and any strategies you have in place.
Current Progress,
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