Exit Media and Culture Survey Question Title * 1. What is your grade/education level? Sr. Jr. Sophomore Freshman High school grad College grad Middle school Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. What school do/did you attend? Question Title * 3. What is your ethnicity? Hispanic/Latinx Indigenous American White African American Asian American Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What culture(s) do you most closely identify with? Question Title * 5. What types of Media do you use daily? Social Media (Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram, etc..) Television Print Marketing (newspaper, magazines, banners, etc..) Books Radio Web/Search browser None of the above Question Title * 6. How much would you say that Media has an effect on your values? Very A good amount A bit Not at all Question Title * 7. How much would you say that Media has an effect on your culture's values? Very A good amount A bit Not at all Question Title * 8. Would you say that Media has had an impact on your opinions, norms, values, or beliefs? Yes No Indifferent Question Title * 9. How has Media impacted you? (optional) Done