Business owners Business Owners Do you own a business in Folly Beach? Question Title * 1. How many years have you owned a business on Folly? Less than one year One to four years Five to nine years Ten to fourteen years Fifteen or more years Question Title * 2. How many people does your business employ? Question Title * 3. How many of your employees live in the city of Folly Beach? Question Title * 4. Do you know how long any of your employees commute to work on Folly Beach? Question Title * 5. What percentage of your employees are housing cost burdened (meaning they spend 30% or more of their income each month on housing costs)? Your best guess is fine. Question Title * 6. Would you be willing to participate in an affordable housing program if you received financial incentives to help defray the cost? Question Title * 7. Would your business benefit if the city of Folly Beach offered initiatives to address affordable housing for your employees? Question Title * 8. If you participated in an affordable housing initiative through the city, would you offer to upper management or all employees? Question Title * 9. Do you have other thoughts about affordable/attainable housing to share with the city, including suggestions about other local or national programs that have been successful? Done