For almost fifty years, Act 250 has reviewed certain developments and the subdivision of land to mitigate their impact on our environment and communities.  The Commission on Act 250: The Next 50 Years was established to:
  • review the goals of Act 250;
  • assess the outcomes of Act 250;
  • engage Vermonters on their priorities for the future of the Vermont landscape; and
  • address relevant issues that have emerged since 1970.  
For more information about the Commission, including a copy of the statue that created the Commission, visit our web page: https://legislature.vermont.gov/committee/detail/2018.1/333

In addition to this survey, six public forums are being held around the State, and you may also send general comments to this e-mail address: Act250Comments@leg.state.vt.us  

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. Your feedback is valuable and will inform the Commission as we make findings and recommendations about Act 250 in our report due December 15th, 2018.

Please complete the survey by September 15. It will take approximately ten minutes. Your responses will be kept confidential.
If you have any questions regarding the survey, please feel free to contact Olivia Machanic, Project

Assistant at Cope & Associates, Inc. at 802-951-4200 or Olivia@ConsultCope.com.