Please share with us your opinion on the NEW Filament Guide!

Bambu Official 3D Printing Filament Guide Feedback Survey

Thank you for using our 3D Printing Filament Guide! Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve our products. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.
1.How long have you been 3D printing?
2.What is your primary use for 3D printing?
3.How did you find the overall comprehensiveness of the guide?
4.How easy was it to navigate through the guide?
5.Was the information presented in the guide clear and understandable?
6.How helpful was the guide in helping you choose the right filament?
7.How useful were the spider charts in helping you understand the properties of filaments?
8.How useful were the images and examples included in the guide?
9.Did the guide cover all the filament types you are interested in?
10.Do you have any suggestions for improving the guide?
11.Is there any additional information or resources you would like to see included in the guide?
12.Any other comments or feedback?