Survey about perspectives on nutrition, physical activity, and weight/body image
This survey is for a research project for a course from the National Wellness Institute called "High Level Wellness through Multicultural Competency." I am focusing on 3 dominant culture biases in wellness: nutrition, physical activity, and weight/body image. I am stating the dominant culture's perspective and then asking non-dominant cultures (Black, LatinX, Indigenous, etc.) to take the survey to see how these perspectives affect them; and ask for suggestions for making our programs more diverse and inclusive of other cultures. For questions, please contact the student researcher, Debra Lafler at PLEASE FORWARD THIS SURVEY ON TO OTHERS YOU IDENTIFY AS "NOT WHITE" or "NON-DOMINANT" in the United States mainstream culture (this may be Black, LatinX, Indigenous, Other People of Color, Asian, Indian, or any other culture)