Ahoy, there! Bradford here...

Thank you SO much for helping me make How Not To Sail the best podcast it can be for YOU.

You absolutely CAN take the survey if you've taken a previous one (and please do!)...just please don't take this one more than once.

Please don't skip the fill-in-the-blank questions. They may take a few more seconds, but are super helpful for crafting the show.

I value our privacy—yours and mine!— and your responses are confidential. In fact, I have no idea who you are, so please be as candid as you can.

You'll see a few of the usual "demographic" questions (age/status/etc.) which are optional...but which also are super helpful in designing the right show for the right audience. And again, your responses are anonymous—so I hope you won't skip those, either!

Thanks  SO MUCH again, and off we go...
4% of survey complete.