CCSF Veterans Day Event

1.What kind of speakers and services are you most interested in seeing?
(EX: Career Experts, VA Services, or Local Employeer)
2.What is your preferred social media platform?
3.What would you hope to get out of this event? - scale 1-5
Very Disinterested 
Very Interested 
Networking opportunities
Job Interview
Veteran Affairs Service Information
Employment Services 
4.Would you be attending this event? If not, please share why you will not be attending?
5.As a veteran what types of activities would you like to see that were not listed above? 
6.Do you prefer this conference in person, virtual, or both? 
7.How comfortable are you with a virtual event?
8.Name [For Sweepstakes Entry] 
9.Email [For Sweepstakes Entry] 
Current Progress,
0 of 9 answered