Oak Healthy Living Centre (OHLC) want to ask you about childcare/creche provision. We are carrying out research into day care provision in the area, to establish whether or not there is a need for a dedicated day care centre at premises we have recently purchased at Main Street Lisnaskea.

This is your opportunity to give us your views on what childcare provision you & your family need. Please complete this survey if you are the main carer for children. You're likely to be a parent, but may be a grandparent or other relative.
This survey is completely confidential & will only be used by OHLC as part of their planning process. Thank you for your time in completing this survey.
AND FINALLY!!!! If you leave us your name & contact phone or email address, we will enter you in a draw to win £50 cash by way of thanking (& encouraging!) you to do the survey.

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* 1. How many children do you have needing childcare?

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* 2. How old are your children? Please tick all that apply:

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* 3. Please tell us how often you need childcare:

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* 4. When do you need childcare? Please tick all that apply:

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* 5. 3. Do you need childcare:

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* 6. When your child is in childcare, please tell us what you're doing?

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* 7. What is the maximum you are willing to pay (per hour, per child) for daycare?

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* 8. Daycare provision usually requires a regular commitment & minimum number of hours per week.

Please tell us what is the maximum number of hours you would be able to commit to childcare per week?

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* 9. Would you be prepared to pay a retainer (to keep your child's place) over school holidays or other times you may not need daycare?

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* 10. We want to ensure that this survey is representative of parents / carers of children in the Erne East area. All information will be treated as confidential.
Please tell us which part of Erne East you live in:

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* 11. What is your relationship to the child you care for?

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* 12. What age group do you belong to:

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* 13. Which community would you consider you most closely identify with:

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* 14. Please tell us your employment status:

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* 15. It would be really helpful if you could give us your name & either a contact phone number or email address in case we need to follow up this research. Your contact details and your responses will be kept private and confidential, and only be used by OHLC for the purposes of daycare information and research. We will NOT give your details to anyone else

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* 16. Further Comments