Application for Changes To EPHMRA / INTELLUS - Anatomical Classification System Question Title * 1. Your Details: Full Name Company Address Country Tel Number Email Date of Request Question Title * 2. Are you, the requestor, located at the company’s worldwide corporate headquarters? Yes No Question Title * 3. If answer is ‘no’ (i.e. not at HQ), then please provide contact information of corporate headquarters person who has approved this request eg name, email address, job title. Question Title * 4. Please provide a brief overview of the reasons for the change request: Question Title * 5. Please provide your proposed new class structure and include class names, class descriptions, products and/or types of products to be included in new and affected classes: Question Title * 6. Please list current classes that may be affected by proposed change: Question Title * 7. Please reference or email any background information - email to Question Title * 8. Many thanks – we will get back to you in due course. Done